Script Tips #41: Show me the meaning…


Did you do it?

The visuals for your video I mean?




(I’ve been itching to slip Backstreet Boys into here).

But really…

How would you show me the meaning of being lonely?

It’s hard to think of visuals unless you’re used to it.

It’s like teaching someone what to imagine– which is dang near impossible.

The best we can do is give someone ideas or inspiration.

But if the Backstreet Boys can show you the meaning of being lonely….

(So lonely!)

Then you can definitely show your customers….

Whatever you need to show them.

How Ame? How do I show them? I don’t even know where to start?

It comes down to what you “see” in your mind.

So flex your creative thinking.

When you script a video…

You need to flex those creative muscles when you tackle your visual message.

Think– what you can “see” and what your audience can “see” too.

Ummmm. Images…I guess?

I’ll rephrase…

Can you show me a thing, a reaction or a situation I can relate to WITHOUT it distracting from your point?

(Hint: you can).

Let’s say you make a point in your video about how your product or service will make me successful.


I want that.

But don’t tell me that.

Show me what that looks like.

Am I sitting on a beach sipping a banana smoothie?

Am I doing my taxes without that anxiety-stricken look I get EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR?

Or am I watching those $$$$ roll into my bank account?

That’s showing (not telling).

Let’s try a little exercise.

Trust the process.

Tell me…

What does success look like when someone uses your product or service?

Try to describe 2 situations.

Now let’s say you save someone time….what do they do with that saved time?

You give someone confidence…what are they confident doing now? Where are they confident?

Sweat baby sweat! As you flex those creative muscles!

Hard work I know!

But I’ll be your workout buddy with a 1:1 feedback/strategy session where we optimize your video script

I’m a great workout buddy! I survive 90 mins training sessions for boxing.

Oh, and I script videos The World Food Programme gives funding to.

So hit me up.

That’s it for this week!

Talk soon!

Ame Proietti

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Script Tips

Script Tips is a newsletter to help you make impactful social media videos/ads. Watch me BIP my video strategy.

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