Script Tips #34: “Storytelling” means nothing anymore

People love to bang on about “story this, story that”.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t open Twitter or LinkedIn without seeing at least one post about how story is the root of everything.


I used to think these posts were so smart.

I’d see them and my inner voice would go,

Yeah! It’s all about the story! Get on that post!

I’d hit “like” and praise the poster for this golden insight!

But now…

I hate these posts.

I sigh and scroll by because the truth is…

half of these people don’t know what a story is.

“Storytelling” is becoming a meaningless buzzword

It’s in danger of being the new “synergy” we throw out to sound smart.

Which is the LAST thing it should be.

So we need to save storytelling from this fate.

And only we have the power to save it.

Especially in the wild west of marketing and content videos where people are still guessing at what “good” video is.

Our rescue journey starts with us knowing what a story really is.

A story is a description of an idea, an insight or an experience that people can relate to.

For example…

The intro to this Script Tip is a story (I hope anyway).

Describing your customers’ mental state when they land on your video is a story.

Or painting a picture of what life could be like in the future is also a story.

Story is NOT talking about the 85 features of your product.

It’s not sharing the 5 services you offer either. Get it while it's hot!!!

And it’s definitely not looking at the camera and reading out a listicle of life hacks.

Story is…

Knowing you got your time back. Your evenings aren’t for catching up on work anymore because everything’s handled…

Or walking into your next interview feeling like you’re in control…

It’s also trusting your video marketing strategy won’t leave you feeling like a fool.

And you want to weave these stories into your video script.

Aren’t these just benefits??? You may ask.

You’re right– they are. But these benefits are emotional. We relate to emotions. And they paint a beautiful picture of our success…

Which is the only story we really care about anyway.

Think about your next script like this…

This is the story of [outcome]

This is the story of saving time

The story of getting your dream job

The story of watching your business grow

Then work backwards.

What gets us to this dream ending?

Who helps us get to this ending?

Why can’t we get this ending on our own right now?

What is our life like right now?

That will help you build the narrative.

And as you tell yourself that narrative, close your eyes and think about what it looks like.

Like, if this were a movie, what would we see?

If this is a story of saving time, I’m seeing all the other things I want to do because I have time.

The first thing I’m doing is I’m on my drum set becoming the next Travis Barker— What?? I can dream, thank you.

I could also be closing my laptop at 4:30 to go live my life...

Or having a leisurely lunch because I’m not stressed about deadlines...

Or my calendar is suspiciously empty of meetings–the way I like it. And I reckon you do too.

So, next time you’re wondering how to use story in your videos, remember what a story really is: something we can relate to emotionally.

Now, if you end up with your heads in your hands staring blankly at your script...

wondering if you've found your story or not...

ready to rip your hair out in frustration...

I can sort you out in 30 minutes.

Just hit this link:

That’s it for this week!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super helpful!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ It's alright


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Ame Proietti

And come say hi on Linkedin or Twitter

Script Tips

Script Tips is a newsletter to help you make impactful social media videos/ads. Watch me BIP my video strategy.

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